his practical text features computer-aided engineering methods for the design and application of magnetic actuators and sensors, using the latest software tools. John Brauer highlights the use of the electromagnetic finite element software package Maxwell? SV and introduces readers to applications using SPICE, MATLAB?, and Simplorer?. A free download of Maxwell?

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Magnetic Actuators and Sensors
his practical text features computer-aided engineering methods for the design and application of magnetic actuators and sensors, using the latest software tools. John Brauer highlights the use of the electromagnetic finite element software package Maxwell? SV and introduces readers to applications using SPICE, MATLAB?, and Simplorer?. A free download of Maxwell?

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
This text is for use in the introductory circuit analysis or circuit theory course taught in electrical engineering or electrical engineering technology departments. The main objective of this book is to present circuit analysis in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, with many practical applications to interest the student.
The authors present principles in an appealing and lucid step-by-step manner, carefully explaining each step. Important formulas are highlighted to help students sort out what is essential and what is not. Many pedagogical aids reinforce the concepts learned in the text so that students get comfortable with the various methods of analysis presented in the text.

The authors present principles in an appealing and lucid step-by-step manner, carefully explaining each step. Important formulas are highlighted to help students sort out what is essential and what is not. Many pedagogical aids reinforce the concepts learned in the text so that students get comfortable with the various methods of analysis presented in the text.
Neural Networks in Atmospheric Remote Sensing
A neural network refers to interconnecting artificial neurons that mimic the properties of biological neurons to perform sophisticated, intelligent tasks. This authoritative reference offers a comprehensive understanding of the underpinnings and practical applications of artificial neural networks and their use in the retrieval of geophysical parameters. Professionals find expert guidance on the development and evaluation of neural network algorithms that process data from a new generation of hyperspectral sensors. Engineers discover how to use neural networks to approximate remote sensing inverse functions with emphasis on model selection, preprocessing, initialization, training, and performance evaluation.
Joint Source-Channel Decoding: A Cross-Layer Perspective with Applications in Video Broadcasting
Treats joint source and channel decoding in an integrated way
?Gives a clear description of the problems in the field together with the mathematical tools for their solution
?Contains many detailed examples useful for practical applications of the theory to video broadcasting over mobile and wireless networks
Traditionally, cross-layer and joint source-channel coding were seen as incompatible with classically structured networks but recent advances in theory changed this situation. Joint source-channel decoding is now seen as a viable alternative to separate decoding of source and channel codes, if the protocol layers are taken into account. A joint source/protocol/channel approach is thus addressed in this book: all levels of the protocol stack are considered, showing how the information in each layer influences the others.
This book provides the tools to show how cross-layer and joint source-channel coding and decoding are now compatible with present-day mobile and wireless networks, with a particular application to the key area of video transmission to mobiles. Typical applications are broadcasting, or point-to-point delivery of multimedia contents, which are very timely in the context of the current development of mobile services such as audio (MPEG4 AAC) or video (H263, H264) transmission using recent wireless transmission standards (DVH-H, DVB-SH, WiMAX, LTE).
This cross-disciplinary book is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and more generally professionals working either in signal processing for communications or in networking applications, interested in reliable multimedia transmission. This book is also of interest to people involved in cross-layer optimization of mobile networks. Its content may provide them with other points of view on their optimization problem, enlarging the set of tools which they could use.
Pierre Duhamel is director of research at CNRS/ LSS and has previously held research positions at Thomson-CSF, CNET, and ENST, where he was head of the Signal and Image Processing Department. He has served as chairman of the DSP committee and associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and Signal Processing Letters, as well as acting as a co-chair at MMSP and ICASSP conferences. He was awarded the Grand Prix France Telecom by the French Science Academy in 2000. He is co-author of more than 80 papers in international journals, 250 conference proceedings, and 28 patents.

?Gives a clear description of the problems in the field together with the mathematical tools for their solution
?Contains many detailed examples useful for practical applications of the theory to video broadcasting over mobile and wireless networks
Traditionally, cross-layer and joint source-channel coding were seen as incompatible with classically structured networks but recent advances in theory changed this situation. Joint source-channel decoding is now seen as a viable alternative to separate decoding of source and channel codes, if the protocol layers are taken into account. A joint source/protocol/channel approach is thus addressed in this book: all levels of the protocol stack are considered, showing how the information in each layer influences the others.
This book provides the tools to show how cross-layer and joint source-channel coding and decoding are now compatible with present-day mobile and wireless networks, with a particular application to the key area of video transmission to mobiles. Typical applications are broadcasting, or point-to-point delivery of multimedia contents, which are very timely in the context of the current development of mobile services such as audio (MPEG4 AAC) or video (H263, H264) transmission using recent wireless transmission standards (DVH-H, DVB-SH, WiMAX, LTE).
This cross-disciplinary book is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and more generally professionals working either in signal processing for communications or in networking applications, interested in reliable multimedia transmission. This book is also of interest to people involved in cross-layer optimization of mobile networks. Its content may provide them with other points of view on their optimization problem, enlarging the set of tools which they could use.
Pierre Duhamel is director of research at CNRS/ LSS and has previously held research positions at Thomson-CSF, CNET, and ENST, where he was head of the Signal and Image Processing Department. He has served as chairman of the DSP committee and associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and Signal Processing Letters, as well as acting as a co-chair at MMSP and ICASSP conferences. He was awarded the Grand Prix France Telecom by the French Science Academy in 2000. He is co-author of more than 80 papers in international journals, 250 conference proceedings, and 28 patents.
Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems,5th Edition
For one-semester, undergraduate-level courses in Motor Controls, Electric Machines, Power Electronics, and Electric Power. This best-selling text employs a theoretical, practical, multidisciplinary approach to provide introductory students with a broad understanding of modern electric power. The scope of the book reflects the rapid changes that have occurred in power technology over the past few yearsallowing the entrance of power electronics into every facet of industrial drives, and expanding the field to open more career opportunities.

Wireless Home Networking For Dummies
Get hooked up without getting tangled up in cords, wires, cables or techno mumbo. With Wireless Home Networking For Dummies, you can go wireless without going mad. It shows you how to plan, install, secure, and use a wireless home network for PCs or Macs. See how easy it is to share your Internet connection, files, folders, printers, and other peripherals. Put your gaming console on your wireless network and play multiuser computer games��even online.
Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control (Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
In recent years vector-controlled AC drives have taken over from more conventional DC drives. Applications are found everywhere including machine tools, robotics, electric traction, and computer peripherals. This book examines sensorless vector-controlled drives and direct torque controlled
drives. It builds on the author's popular Vector Control of AC Drives and brings the subject fully up to date.
Associative Digital Network Theory
Associative Digital Network Theory is intended for researchers at industrial laboratories, teachers and students at technical universities, in electrical engineering, computer science and applied mathematics departments, interested in new developments of modeling and designing digital networks (DN: state machines, sequential and combinational logic) in general, as a combined math/engineering discipline. As background an undergraduate level of modern applied algebra (Birkhoff-Bartee: Modern Applied Algebra - 1970, and Hartmanis-Stearns: Algebraic Structure of Sequential Machines - 1970) will suffice.
Business Strategies for the Next-Generation Network
Carriers and service providers have united around the concept of the Next-Generation Network (NGN). Although leveraging a broad basket of Internet technologies, the NGN is not being planned as the next-generation Internet. In its intention and architecture, it is more accurately described as Broadband-ISDN release 2.0. The NGN is hard to understand because it weaves together so many distinct issues: technology, new kinds of product, a new kind of carrier organization as well as changes in the business model, industry value chain and the shape of a converged future industry itself. This book presents a unified analysis of the complex transformation process that is taking place in the fixed telecoms, mobile telecoms, and broadcast industries and outlines strategies for success.
Mobile TV: Customizing Content and Experience
This book will present significant projects and studies carried out in academia and in industry seeking to develop new mobile multimedia systems that go beyond mobile TV (in terms of purely media streaming) and are more enjoyable and relevant for the nomadic and peripatetic user. To do this, it will showcase successful methodologies and new relevant solutions that extend the field of action of people on the move, improving, at the same time, the quality of their mobile experience.
The objectectives of the book are as follows:
?to gain insight into the future of mobile TV and mobile video in general;
?to explore the user-experience in mobile and pervasive interactive multimedia systems;
?to question the essential correlation between mobile video and users' context;
?to analyse how these systems can encourage the creation of mobile communities;
?to understand how these systems can be evaluated;
?to unveil relevant scenarios for mobile storytelling (creation and sharing);
?to understand how sociability can be achieved in nomadic contexts;
?to analyse how mobile digital content could evolve;
?to examine advanced interaction modalities for mobile video, and
?to discuss techniques to anticipate how nomadic cultures can shape trends in technology.

The objectectives of the book are as follows:
?to gain insight into the future of mobile TV and mobile video in general;
?to explore the user-experience in mobile and pervasive interactive multimedia systems;
?to question the essential correlation between mobile video and users' context;
?to analyse how these systems can encourage the creation of mobile communities;
?to understand how these systems can be evaluated;
?to unveil relevant scenarios for mobile storytelling (creation and sharing);
?to understand how sociability can be achieved in nomadic contexts;
?to analyse how mobile digital content could evolve;
?to examine advanced interaction modalities for mobile video, and
?to discuss techniques to anticipate how nomadic cultures can shape trends in technology.
Digitaltechnik: Lehr- und ��bungsbuch f��r Elektrotechniker und Informatiker
Abh?ngigkeitsnotation Addition Adressbus Adresse Adressierungsart Adressleitungen Akkumulator Arithmetische ASIC Ausgang Baustein bbbb BCD-Code Befehl Befehlsz?hler beiden Beispiel ben?tigt Bild bin?re booleschen Byte Carry CLB CLB CLB Condition Code CPLD D-Flipflops daher dargestellt Daten Datenbus Demultiplexer digitale Digitaltechnik Dualzahl EEPROM Eingang Eingangssignal Eingangsvariablen erh?lt Flanke Flipflops folgenden FPGA Funktion Gate-Arrays Gatter gespeichert gezeigt Gleichung Gray-Code hhll Implikanten ind,X Inhalt Interrupt Inverter invertierten Karnaugh-Veitch-Diagramm KDNF Kippintervall Kodierung KV-Diagramm Laufzeit Logik logischen L?sung Aufgabe Makrozelle Maxterme Minterme m?glich Moore-Schaltwerk Multiplexer muss NOR-Gatter OLMC OOdd Opcode Operand Port Primimplikanten Produktterme Programm programmierbaren Realisierung Register R��ckkopplung Schaltbild Schaltfunktion Schaltnetz Schaltnetz SN1 Schaltsymbol Schaltung Schaltwerk Schieberegister Signal soll Speicher Speicherbausteine Speicherplatz Speicherzelle STAA Stack Stack-Pointer SXHINZVC synchrone Schaltwerke Tabelle Takt Transistoren Typen ��bertrag UND-Gatter Unterprogramms Variablen verwendet VHDL Wahrheitstabelle Wert Wirkintervall Wirkung Adr Z?hler Zustand Zustandsdiagramm Zustandsfolgetabelle Zustandsvariablen zwei Zweierkomplement..
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Signaltheorie: Grundlagen der Signalbeschreibung, Filterb?nke, Wavelets, Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse, Parameter- und Signalsch?tzung
Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen systematischen Einstieg in die Signaltheorie und behandelt sowohl die in der Ingenieur-Literatur ��blichen Werkzeuge zur Signal- und Systembeschreibung als auch die mathematischen Konzepte zum Umgang mit Vektoren. Der Inhalt reicht von klassischen Transformationen ��ber Wavelet-Transformationen und nichtlineare Zeit-Frequenz-Analyseverfahren bis hin zu optimalen Transformationen f��r zuf?llige Signale. Die Methoden werden dabei anhand zahlreicher Anwendungsbeispiele aus den Bereichen der Informationsverarbeitung, Signalkompression, Spektralanalyse, St?rger?uschreduktion und Parametersch?tzung illustriert. Inhalt Signale und Signalr?ume ? Prinzipien der Signaltransformation ? Kontinuierliche und diskrete Signale und Systeme ? Ausgew?hlte diskrete Transformationen ? Charakterisierung und Transformation zuf?lliger Prozesse ? Filterb?nke ? Kurzzeit-Fourier-Transformation ? Wavelet-Transformation ? Nichtlineare Zeit-Frequenz-Verteilungen ? Parameter- und Signalsch?tzung ? Mehrkanalige Systeme Zielgruppe Studierende der Fachrichtungen Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik und Informatik an Universit?ten Forscher und Entwickler im Bereich der Signalverarbeitung Autor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Mertins ist Direktor des Instituts f��r Signalverarbeitung und Prozessrechentechnik an der Universit?t zu L��beck.

New Horizons in Mobile and Wireless Communications: Ad Hoc Networks and PANs (Vol 4)
Based on cutting-edge research projects in the field, this comprehensive 4-volume book series provides the latest details and covers the most impactful aspects of mobile, wireless, and broadband communications development. These books present key systems and enabling technologies in a clear and accessible manner, offering you a detailed roadmap the future evolution of next generation communications. Drawing upon the insights of leading experts in the field, each of the four volumes is dedicated to an area of critical importance, including Radio Interfaces; Networks, Services and Applications; Reconfigurability; and Ad Hoc Networks.
The Internet of Things: 20th Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications
This book presents a selection of papers submitted to the 20th Tyrrhenian Workshop, which took place in September 2009 in Sardinia, Italy. The workshop focused on the quot;Internet of Things.quot; This subject is quickly emerging in the wireless technology arena. It describes the pervasive presence of a variety of devices��such as sensors, actuators, and mobile phones��which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact and cooperate with each other to reach common goals. This novel paradigm, which originated from the idea of quot;smartquot; environments, will be sure to impact the future of logistics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, business and process management, assisted living, E-health, and other applications.
The Internet of Things covers a wide array of essential topics related to this emerging paradigm, including infrastructures and applications, communication systems and network architectures, embedded systems, and location and tracking through navigation sensors. It also addresses the technological and social implications of this technology, as well as challenges that may arise..

The Internet of Things covers a wide array of essential topics related to this emerging paradigm, including infrastructures and applications, communication systems and network architectures, embedded systems, and location and tracking through navigation sensors. It also addresses the technological and social implications of this technology, as well as challenges that may arise..
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