Friday, April 9, 2010

Monetary Policy in Low-Inflation Economies

Monetary Policy in Low-Inflation Economies
Publisher: Cambridge University | Pages: 356 | PDF | 1 MB

All central banks manage the supply of money and credit in their countries, increasing and decreasing them as needed to provide what economies need to keep growing. The way central banks typically handle that job involves short-term interest rates. But when inflation is low, central banks can't use their usual methods to get money and credit into an economy that needs it. Several essays in this volume describe the work of economists who have investigated problems that central banks might have when inflation gets low. Other essays investigate related questions such as whether an economy suffers when it moves from high inflation to low inflation, what the costs of inflation are to economic welfare, and whether a little bit of inflation can actually be good for economic growth.

Ugly Americans: The True Story of the Ivy League Cowboys Who Raided the Asian Markets for Millions

Ben Mezrich, "Ugly Americans: The True Story of the Ivy League Cowboys Who Raided the Asian Markets for Millions"

Harper Perennial | 288 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Ben Mezrich, author of the New York Times bestseller Bringing Down the House, returns with an astonishing story of Ivy League hedge-fund cowboys, high stakes, and the Asian underworld.

John Malcolm was the ultimate gunslinger in the Wild East, prepared to take on any level of risk in making mind-boggling sums of money. He and his friends were hedge-fund cowboys, living life on the adrenaline-, sex-, and drugs-fueled edge—kids running billion-dollar portfolios, trading information in the back rooms of high-class brothels and at VIP tables in nightclubs across the Far East.

Malcolm and his Ivy League-schooled twenty-something colleagues, with their warped sense of morality, created their own economic theory that would culminate in a single deal the likes of which had never been seen before—or since.

Ugly Americans is a story of extremes, charged with wealth, nerve, excess, and glamour. A real-life mixture of Liar's Poker and Wall Street, brimming with intense action, romance, underground sex, vivid locales, and exotic characters, Ugly Americans is the untold true story that rocked the financial community.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance in Your 20s And 30s

Alpha | 352 pages | PDF | 25,5 MB

This guide, intended for readers in their 20s and 30s, shows how to take control of finances and features tips on reducing bank fees and finding affordable health, car, personal property and homeowners insurance. It also explains how to pay off old loans.

Better Parties, Better Government: A Realistic Program for Campaign Finance Reform

Peter J. Wallison, Joel M. Gora, "Better Parties, Better Government: A Realistic Program for Campaign Finance Reform"
AEI Press | 200 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

Campaign finance laws essentially prohibit political parties from fundraising on behalf of individual candidates, forcing candidates to finance campaigns independently. This system favors wealthy candidates and protects incumbents while discouraging challengers. In Better Candidates, Better Parties, Better Government, Peter J. Wallison and Joel Gora argue that allowing parties a greater role in campaign fundraising would strengthen the parties, attract more qualified candidates, and free officeholders to govern without undue financial influence.

Summary: A must read for those looking to better understand modern American democracy
Rating: 5

Could restrictions on political spending actually be undermining America's democracy? "Better Parties, Better Government: A Realistic Program for Campaign Finance Reform" offers Peter Wallison and Joel Gora's opinion that major problems in American democracy stem from limits on campaign spending; the restrictions in place which all too often seem to protect incumbents, often giving them the election despite low approval ratings. "Better Parties, Better Government" is a must read for those looking to better understand modern American democracy.

Getting a Poor Return: Courts, Justice, and Taxes

Robert M. Howard, "Getting a Poor Return: Courts, Justice, and Taxes"
State University of New York Press | 126 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Examines competing claims and beliefs about the American legal system in the area of tax policy and tax enforcement.

Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition

Wrox | 816 pages | PDF | 7 MB

Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition continues its unique approach to teaching UNIX programming in a simple and structured way on the Linux platform. Through the use of detailed and realistic examples, students learn by doing, and are able to move from being a Linux beginner to creating custom applications in Linux. The book introduces fundamental concepts beginning with the basics of writing Unix programs in C, and including material on basic system calls, file I/O, interprocess communication (for getting programs to work together), and shell programming.
Parallel to this, the book introduces the toolkits and libraries for working with user interfaces, from simpler terminal mode applications to X and GTK+ for graphical user interfaces. Advanced topics are covered in detail such as processes, pipes, semaphores, socket programming, using MySQL, writing applications for the GNOME or the KDE desktop, writing device drivers, POSIX Threads, and kernel programming for the latest Linux Kernel.

Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)

Morgan Kaufmann | 496 pages | PDF | 6 MB

Traditionally, networking has had little or no basis in analysis or architectural development, with designers relying on technologies they are most familiar with or being influenced by vendors or consultants. However, the landscape of networking has changed so that network services have now become one of the most important factors to the success of many third generation networks. It has become an important feature of the designer?s job to define the problems that exist in his network, choose and analyze several optimization parameters during the analysis process, and then prioritize and evaluate these parameters in the architecture and design of the system.

Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design, 3e, uses a systems methodology approach to teaching these concepts, which views the network (and the environment it impacts) as part of the larger system, looking at interactions and dependencies between the network and its users, applications, and devices. This approach matches the new business climate where customers drive the development of new services and the book discusses how networks can be architected and designed to provide many different types of services to customers. With a number of examples, analogies, instructor tips, and exercises, this book works through the processes of analysis, architecture, and design step by step, giving designers a solid resource for making good design decisions.

With examples, guidelines, and general principles McCabe illuminates how a network begins as a concept, is built with addressing protocol, routing, and management, and harmonizes with the interconnected technology around it. Other topics covered in the book are learning to recognize problems in initial design, analyzing optimization parameters, and then prioritizing these parameters and incorporating them into the architecture and design of the system. This is an essential book for any professional that will be designing or working with a network on a routine basis.

*Substantially updated design content includes ad hoc networks, GMPLS, IPv6, and mobile networking
*Written by an expert in the field that has designed several large-scale networks for government agencies, universities, and corporations
*Incorporates real-life ideas and experiences of many expert designers along with case studies and end-of-chapter exercises....

SUSE Linux 10.0 Unleashed

Sams | 672 pages | CHM | 20 MB

Master the newest version of SUSE Linux with SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed. This comprehensive guide to SUSE Linux includes a DVD with the full version of SUSE Linux 10.0 and provides you with intermediate and advanced information to guide you through the installation, management and maintenance of your SUSE Linux 10.0 system. You will gain expert insight into the most important topics, including:

* Configuring with YaST2 and SaX2
* Launching your desktop
* Productivity tools
* Using the Internet and creating websites
* Secure file transfer
* Managing users and data
* Keeping your system current
* Setting up networks and Samba
* Managing databases

Learn how to make the most of your SUSE Linux 10.0 system with the help of SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed.

The Business of Media Distribution: Monetizing Film, TV and Video Content in an Online World

Jeff Ulin
Focal Press | 528 pages | PDF | 2,1 MB
Written by the insider who headed sales for Lucasfilm across distribution markets and managed the release of Star Wars Episode III, this is the first book to show how all related media distribution markets, including television, video and online, work together and independently to finance and maximize profits on productions. It demystifies how an idea moves from concept to profits and how distribution quietly dominates an industry otherwise grounded in high profile elements (production, marketing, creative, finance, law).

The book provides a unique apprenticeship to the business, illuminating at a macro level how an idea can move from concept to generating $1 Billion, relating theory and practice in the context of the maturation of global market segments, and exposing the devil in the detail that impacts bottom line profits.

Producers, media executives, students and entertainment attorneys in specific niches will benefit from this wide-ranging look at the business across various distribution outlets, including theatrical, video, television, online, merchandising, video-on-demand, etc. This book is officially endorsed by Variety magazine.

* Covers the entire range distribution outlets; learn how your speciality relates to the big picture
* The definitive book on how studios and networks make money; apply the knowledge and concepts to your business - endorsed by Variety magazine!
* Demystifies net and gross: learn how/when you get the money once you've produced a film
*Includes perspectives from leading industry executives from studios, networks and online leaders, including Fox, Paramount, MGM, ABC, Lucasfilm, Pixar, YouTube, Hulu, Amazon, etc.
*Illustrates historical film windows, the economic drivers behind them, and how online and digital delivery applications are changing the landscape
* Relates economic theory, in the trenches practices, market history and current trends
*Explores and highlights online influences to each sub-distribution market (e.g., film, video, TV) throughout the development, production, financing, marketing and distribution chain ..

Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Publisher: For Dummies | PDF | 370 pages | 10,5 mb

Photoshop Lightroom 2 For Dummies/by Rob Sylvan (Author) .Take your digital photography to the next level by learning how to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 with Photoshop Lightroom 2 for Dummies! From how to install Lightroom and navigate the Lightroom interface to playing with advanced options like creating slideshows and sharing photos with friends and family, this easy-to-understand guide will walk you through every step.

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven

Publisher: Wrox| CHM | 733 pages | 10,4 mb

The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology enables you to build and test enterprise systems quickly without sacrificing quality. In the last few years, open source developers have created or significantly improved a host of Java XP tools, from XDoclet, Maven, AntHill, and Eclipse to Ant, JUnit, and Cactus. This practical, code-intensive guide shows you how to put these tools to work and capitalize on the benefits of Extreme Programming.
Using an example pet store application, our expert Java developers demonstrate how to harness the latest versions of Ant and XDoclet for automated building and continuous integration. They then explain how to automate the testing process using JUnit, Cactus, and other tools, and to enhance project management and continuous integration through Maven and AntHill. Finally, they show you how to work with XP tools in the new Eclipse IDE.
Complete with real-world advice on how to implement the principles and practices of effective developers, this book delivers everything you need to harness the power of Extreme Programming in your own projects.

Servlet and JSP Programming with IBM WebSphere Studio and VisualAge for Java (IBM Redbook)

Publisher: Ibm | PDF | 128 pages | 16,5 mb

This IBM Redbook provides you with sufficient information to effectively use the WebSphere and VisualAge for Java environments to create, manage and deploy Web-based applications using methodologies centered around servlet, JavaServer Pages, and JavaBean architectures.
In Part 1 we describe the products used in our environment and provide instruction on product installation and configuration. Following this, we cover servlet and JSP programming, which provide you with both a theoretical and practical understanding of these components, together with working examples of the concepts described. For execution of the sample code, we provide information on configuring the WebSphere Application Server and deploying and running the sample Web applications in WebSphere. Using the knowledge developed in these chapters, we then provide detailed information on the development environments offered by VisualAge for Java and WebSphere Studio. These chapters assist you in using the features offered by these tools, such as integrated debugging, the WebSphere Test Environment, Studio Wizards, and publishing of Web site resources. We also describe how Rational's ClearCase product can be integrated with our environment for Software Configuration Management...

Java™ How to Program, Sixth Edition

Java™ How to Program, Sixth Edition
by Harvey & Paul Deitel

CHM | 1568 pages | 15.86 MB
The Deitels' groundbreaking How to Program series offers unparalleled breadth and depth of programming concepts and intermediate-level topics for further study. The books in this series feature hundreds of complete, working programs with thousands of lines of code. This edition is completely up-to-date with The Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.5. Now includes topics such as autoboxing, enumerations, enhanced for loops, static import statements, variable-length argument lists, and much more. Presents each new concept in the context of a complete
, working program, immediately followed by one or more windows showing the program's input/output dialog. Enhances the Live-Code Approach with syntax coloring. Provides Helpful Programming Tips, all marked by icons: Good Programming Practices, Common Programming Errors, Error-Prevention Tips, Performance Tips, Portability Tips, Software Engineering Observations, Look and Feel Observations. Includes CD-ROM with every book that contains JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.5, Netbeans, Apache Tomcat, JCreator LE version, jEdit, jGRASP, BlueJ, MySQL, source code for all the book's examples, and Hyperlinks to valuable Java demos and Internet resources. A valuable reference for programmers and anyone interested in learning the Java programming language.

Software Testing (2nd Edition)

Sams || 408 pages | CHM | 9 MB

Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready for release. Updated from the previous edition in 2000 to include a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs, the processes and techniques used throughout the book are timeless. This book is an excellent investment if you want to better understand what your Software Test team does or you want to write better software.

Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional

Description: In October of 2001, Microsoft will begin its most expensive market launch ever for Windows XP
With the promise of a market launch twice the size of the one for Windows 95, Microsoft will undoubtedly drive enormous demand for its Windows XP desktop operating system. Many corporate and small business users have waited to upgrade from Windows 9x, and they now see WinXP as the stable, second generation of Windows 2000 Professional.
Syngress's Windows 2000 books were the first out on the market when W2K was released and quickly became bestsellers. Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional aims to be the the first book available on this new product. Designed to compete directly with books such as Mastering Windows 2000 Professional, by Mark Minasi, Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional is comprehensive guide for system administrators and network engineers responsible for deploying Windows XP Professional across the network.

The first Windows XP Professional book on the market
Not 'for Dummies' - this is an essential reference guide for certified Windows 2000 administrators and engineers
Edited by Tom Shinder, the best-selling author of Configuring ISA Server 2000 ...

Windows XP for Dummies

Description: Windows XP for Dummies does a good job in its role as the flagship of the Dummies line, providing Windows novices with a guided introduction to Microsoft's latest and most feature-rich operating system for everyday computer users. Its treatment of computer, Windows, and Internet fundamentals is among the best on the market, and author Andy Rathbone has an appealing way of writing that's simultaneously fun and detail-rich. If you're a Windows novice--meaning you don't know how to undelete a file that's been sent to the Recycle Bin, or what a Web browser is, or what it means to "cut and paste" text--you will get a lot out of Rathbone's work.

Some aspects of this book could be better, such as the part of the networking chapter that calls for an Ethernet hub without noting that a switch, though possibly more expensive, would do the job better, without any additional hassle. The networking coverage also does an inadequate job of explaining how to share a cable modem or DSL connection among several computers. This is a serious shortcoming, and we're getting to the point in our evolution as a society of computer users at which we can assume that everyone knows what the "Cancel" button does and would rather read about the newer, more exciting things that Windows XP can do. Even the dummies aren't that dumb anymore.

But that said--and Rathbone does confine a lot of the really elementary stuff to a skinny introductory chapter--this book is a boon to people who aren't familiar with Windows XP or its immediate predecessors (including Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me). It's also great for people who have learned a little about Windows on the job or from their kids, and want to expand on what they know.

Apple Training Series: Mac OS X System Administration Reference, Volume 1

Publisher: Peachpit Press
Language: English
Paperback: 848 pages
Data: December 13, 2005
Format: CHM

Description: This comprehensive, technical reference guide provides in-depth information on Apple technical architecture. It will teach the reader how to install and configure machines; architect and maintain networks; enable, customize, tune and troubleshoot a wide range of services; and integrate Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, and other Apple technologies within a networked environment. The book covers myriad system administration topics from Directory Services integration to Tiger Server deployment, Xsan administration, accountmanagement best practices, security best practices, and more. Following the learning objectives of the Apple Certified System Administrator exam, this book is a perfect supplement to Apple's own training class and a in-depth technical reference for existing system administrators and engineers..

Multimedia on Symbian OS Inside the convergence Device

  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Language: English
Description: Multimedia on Symbian OS is the only book available to discuss multimedia on Symbian OS at this level. It covers key areas of multimedia technology, with information about APIs and services provided by Symbian OS. Other key features include details of UI platform-specific APIs from S60 and UIQ.

This pioneering book covers each of the key technologies available (such as audio, video, radio, image conversion, tuner and camera) at a high level, to give the reader context, before drilling down to details of how to use each of them. The book includes code samples which are available for download on a website and cover key APIs with detailed description of each. Additional information includes the evolution of multimedia on Symbian OS from previous versions to the current (v9.5) and plans for the future.

Chapters include:
Architecture of Multimedia on Symbian OS
Onboard Camera
Multimedia Framework of both Video & Audio
Image Converter Library
The Tuner....

Multimedia on Symbian OS Inside the convergence Device

  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Language: English
Description: Multimedia on Symbian OS is the only book available to discuss multimedia on Symbian OS at this level. It covers key areas of multimedia technology, with information about APIs and services provided by Symbian OS. Other key features include details of UI platform-specific APIs from S60 and UIQ.

This pioneering book covers each of the key technologies available (such as audio, video, radio, image conversion, tuner and camera) at a high level, to give the reader context, before drilling down to details of how to use each of them. The book includes code samples which are available for download on a website and cover key APIs with detailed description of each. Additional information includes the evolution of multimedia on Symbian OS from previous versions to the current (v9.5) and plans for the future.

Chapters include:
Architecture of Multimedia on Symbian OS
Onboard Camera
Multimedia Framework of both Video & Audio
Image Converter Library
The Tuner....

Find Your Power: Boost Your Inner Strengths, Break Through Blocks and Achieve Inspired Action

Find Your Power: Boost Your Inner Strengths, Break Through Blocks and Achieve Inspired Action
Chris Johnstone

Nicholas Brealey Publishing | 248 pages | PDF | 2 MB
A self-help guide which draws on the new motivational psychology developed within the addiction treatment field for developing positive vision and finding ways through blocks. It offers a toolkit of practical techniques and insights to help you get clearer about what you really want, become more motivated and determined, develop increased courage and confidence, learn how to achieve breakt

hroughs and increase happiness and life satisfaction.

Windows Vista Ultimate Bible

Author : Joel, Jr. Durham, Derek Torres
Publisher : Wiley

Description : The ultimate book on the ultimate Vista for gamers and digital media buffs.

If you’re the ultimate gamer and multimedia fan, Windows Vista Ultimate and this information-packed book are for you. Want to launch games with a single click? Share files with your Xbox 360? Try out new audio and media tools? It’s all here and then some. You’ll find step-by-step tutorials, techniques, and hacks-plus in-depth discussions of games, gaming, performance tips, and much more. Whether you’re a veteran Windows gearhead or just getting started, this is the book you need!

  • Try out the new Aero Glass user interface and new desktop features.
  • Set up your graphics card, sound card, and speakers.
  • Keep Vista secure with stronger firewall and family safety settings.
  • Meet the new DirectX with 32-bit floating point audio and high-speed DLLs.
  • Share multimedia across a network with ease.
  • Enrich your audio with crossfade, shuffle, and volume leveling.
  • Get up to speed on the new Media Center and Media Player 11.
  • Use the Universal Controller and WinSAT for gaming.
  • Find out how to run Windows(r) XP games on Vista.
  • Edit video like a pro.

Microsoft Windows Vista On Demand, Second Edition



• Master the Windows Vista user experience, including Windows Aero

• Manage files and information using Windows Vista programs and Sidebar gadgets

• Create your own movies, slides shows, and DVDs

• Rip, manage, and play digital music and videos

• Protect your computer from Internet or network intruders

• Explore the Internet, send e-mail and instant message, and publish calendars on the Web

• Customize, fine-tune, and administer Windows Vista

• Set up multiple users and parental controls

• Perform Instant Searches to quickly find files and programs

• Prepare for the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist exam

On the Web

This book uses real-world examples to give you a context in which to use the tasks. This book also includes workshops to help you put together individual tasks into projects. The Windows Vista example files that you need for project tasks are available at

Perspection has written and produced books on a variety of computer software–including Microsoft Office 2007 and 2003, Microsoft Windows Vista and XP, Microsoft Expression Web, Apple Mac OS X Leopard, Adobe Photoshop CS3 and CS2, Adobe Flash CS3 and 8, and Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. In 1991, after working for Apple Computer and Microsoft, Steve Johnson founded Perspection, Inc. Perspection is committed to providing information and training to help people use software more effectively. Perspection has written more than 80 computer books, and sold more than 5 million copies.

Includes MCAS Exam Objectives!

This courseware meets the objectives for the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS). Upon completion of this courseware, you may be prepared to take the exam for MCAS qualification. To learn more about becoming a Microsoft Certified Application Specialist, visit

The Symbian OS Architecture Sourcebook: Design and Evolution of a Mobile Phone OS

The Symbian OS Architecture Sourcebook: Design and Evolution of a Mobile Phone OS

Author: Ben Morris | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (25 April 2007) | 630 pages | Language: English | ZIP | 2 MB

The current Symbian Press list focuses very much on the small scale features of Symbian OS in a programming context. The Architecture Sourcebook is different.

It's not a how–to book, it's a 'what and why' book. And because it names names as it unwinds the design decisions which have shaped the OS, it is also a 'who' book. It will show where the OS came from, how it has evolved to be what it is, and provide a simple model for understanding what it is, how it is put together, and how to interface to it and work with it. It will also show why design decision were made, and will bring those decisions to life in the words of Symbian's key architects and developers, giving an insider feel to the book as it weaves the "inside story" around the architectural presentation.

The book will describe the OS architecture in terms of the Symbian system model. It will show how the model breaks down the system into parts, what role the parts play in the system, how the parts are architected, what motivates their design, and how the design has evolved through the different releases of the system.

Key system concepts will be described; design patterns will be explored and related to those from other operating systems. The unique features of Symbian OS will be highlighted and their motivation and evolution traced and described.

The book will include a substantial reference section itemising the OS and its toolkit at component level and providing a reference entry for each component.

Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Unleashed

Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Unleashed
By Rand Morimoto, Jeff Guillet

Publisher: Sams

Binding: Paperback

Product Description:

Windows® Server 2008 Hyper-V Unleashed

Rand Morimoto

Jeff Guillet

Includes coverage of

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008

Using the Hyper-V virtualization capabilities built into Windows Server 2008, organizations can slash costs for power, space, and maintenance, and dramatically improve IT flexibility at the same time. This is the first book to offer comprehensive, independent, real-world coverage of planning, designing, implementing, and supporting Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V virtualization environments. Authored by Rand Morimoto and Jeff Guillet–top consultants of Microsoft technologies with unsurpassed experience deploying Hyper-V in enterprise organizations–this book delivers start-to-finish guidance for every facet of your virtualization initiative.

Special Edition Using Windows XP Professional

Special Edition Using Windows XP Professional
Publisher: Que | PDF | Pages: 1000 | 80 MB

The de facto Windows XP Pro reference and one you shouldn't fire up your Windows XP computer without. Recommended by PC World magazine reviewer, Steve Bass. Softcover.

Windows XP Home Edition! I Didn't Know You Could Do That...!

Sandra Hardin Gookin, Sandra Hardin Gookin, "Windows XP Home Edition! I Didn't Know You Could Do That..."
Sybex Inc | 2001-11-30 | ISBN: 0782129838 | 352 pages | PDF | 4,7 MB

Discover Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Home Edition! I Didn't Know You Could Do That. . . contains everything you need to know about Microsoft's next generation operating system for home users. Inside, you'll find information on setting up and configuring user accounts, working with compressed files and folders, searching for files, and working with others on the Internet through Messenger and Net Meeting. You'll also find a companion CD loaded with scores of free utilities and add-on programs that help optimize all of XP's newest features.
Stop Monkeyin' Around and Get Up to Speed on Windows XP Home Edition
This fun, easy-to-use collection of Windows XP Home Edition tips, tricks, utilities, and programs will help you save time and enhance XP's performance. Topics include Internet Explorer 6, the Photo Printing Wizard, and Windows Media Player 8, which includes DVD playback and CD burning utilities. With Windows XP Home Edition! I Didn't Know You Could Do That... you'll even learn about the Network Setup Wizard, Internet Connection Sharing, and the Windows XP Home Edition firewall.

Go Bananas-Become an XP Expert
Inside you'll learn how to:
* Streamline XP startup
* Customize XP for every user in the home
* Publish photos
* Listen to Internet radio stations
* Create data and music CDs
* Protect your data from viruses
And much more!

HyperTransport(TM) System Architecture (PC System Architecture Series) (Paperback)

PCI was originally designed to be used in a wide range of systems from notebooks to high-end servers. There are now a wide range of new buses being developed to replace PCI, which enable cost-savings, performance enhancement, and specialized features. HyperTransport is a new bus that deals specifically with chipset interconnect, the high-speed link between the memory and IO controller chips. HyperTransport Architecture allows hardware and low-level software designers, engineers, and technicians to get up to speed quickly on this new bus protocol, without having to wade through specifications and white papers. The book organizes topics in a logical, tutorial format which quickly guides the reader through the major features of the specification. Numerous diagrams and examples reduce the more complicated concepts to manageable proportions and allow the reader to see the important relationships along the way.

From the Back Cover

HyperTransport™ (HT) technology promises to revolutionize connectivity for computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and tele-communications equipment. It is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point, packetized link that enables chips to transfer data at peak rates of up to 12.8 Gigabytes per second, far greater than existing bus technologies. Furthermore, HyperTransport improves reliability and reduces board design complexity. It is scalable and compatible with legacy PC buses, SNA, and PCI.

HyperTransport™ System Architecture provides a comprehensive, technical guide to HyperTransport technology. It opens with an overview of HT systems, highlighting the technology’s fundamental principles, basic architecture, and its many advantages. The book goes on to detail all facets of HyperTransport systems, including the protocol, I/O, routing, configuration, and more. It also features important performance considerations and addresses critical compatibility issues.

Essential topics covered include:

  • Signal groups
  • Packet protocol, covering control and data packets
  • HT flow control, and how it differs from PCI flow control
  • I/O ordering rules, including upstream, downstream, and host ordering requirements
  • Interrupts, error detection, and error handling
  • HT system management
  • Routing packets, covering point-to-point topology and HT’s fairness algorithm
  • Device configuration
  • The electrical environment, including power requirements and signaling characteristics
  • HyperTransport bridges
  • Double-hosted chains
  • Anticipated networking extensions
  • PCI, PCI-X, AGP, and X86 compatibility issues

A chapter is dedicated to transaction examples illustrating the practical application of HyperTransport technology.

A MindShare PC System Architecture Series book, HyperTransport™ System Architecture provides complete, authoritative, and detailed information necessary for developers, networking professionals, and anyone interested in implementing and deploying HT systems.

MindShare’s PC System Architecture Series is a crisply written and comprehensive set of guides to the most important PC hardware standards. Books in the series are intended for use by hardware and software designers, programmers, and support personnel. Each title explains the architecture, features, and operations of systems built using one particular type of chip or hardware specification.

Macs All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Wallace Wang, "Macs All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"
Wiley | 816 pages | PDF | 14.4MB

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Mac! Whether you’ve just decided to switch from Windows or you’ve been using a Mac for awhile and want to take advantage of all its bells and whistles, Macs All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is the perfect guidebook to Mac land..

Running Mac OS X Tiger Macs All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Mac OS X Tiger is the sum of its parts, and there are a lot of them. What could be easier than to have a handy minibook covering each one, ready to answer your every question?

If you’re venturing into the Mac world for the first time, you’ve chosen a great time to make the move. And if you’re switching to Tiger from an earlier Mac OS, you’ll be eager to get going as quickly as possible. Either way, you’ll love the convenience of Mac OS X Tiger All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies. You’ll find sections devoted to
Basic Mac OS X
Customizing and sharing your Mac
Mac’s digital hub—iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, QuickTime, and GarageBand
The Internet (AppleMail, iChat AV, iDisk, and more)
Networking, including Bluetooth, AppleTalk, and Airport Extreme
Expanding your system with cool hardware and software
Some advanced stuff, like hosting a Web site and building custom applications

Each self-contained chapter discusses a specific feature, application, connection, or cool thing about Mac OS X. You can start at the beginning, or dive right into the things you most want to explore.  For example, you can
Discover how to find anything, anywhere on your system, with Spotlight
Set up a wireless network
Use iDisk to back up your important files
Edit or create your own DVDs, CDs, and movies
Keep in touch with others through the cool iChat AV application
Get step-by-step instructions that make using OS X Tiger as much fun—and as productive—as it’s meant to be

Because everything’s handy and neatly organized, you’ll find Mac OS X Tiger All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies is the reference book you’ll want to keep right next to your Mac. You’ll refer to it many times over, and be glad you did!

Windows Server 2003 Registry

A thorough introduction to the optimization and customization of Windows .NET describes what the Registry is and its latest features and discusses such topics as the use of Registry features, security issues, Windows File Protection, Plug and Play implementation, device management support, power man

About the Author
Olga Kokoreva is a technical support specialist, IT consultant, and technical writer. She is the author of Windows XP Registry, Windows 2000 Registry,Windows ME Registry, and Windows XP Registry.

William Stallings

William Stallings

Prentice Hall | 832 pages | PDF | 19,2 MB

For a one-semester undergraduate course in operating systems for computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering majors.

This text covers concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Stallings presents the nature and characteristics of modern-day operating systems clearly and completely.

Visit Stallings Companion Website at for student and instructor resources and his Computer Science Student Resource site

Password protected instructor resources can be accessed here by clicking on the Resources Tab to view downloadable files. (Registration required)


1. Computer System Overview

2. Operating System Overview

3. Process Description and Control

4. Threads, SMP, and Microkernels

5. Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization

6. Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation

7. Memory Management

8. Virtual Memory

9. Uniprocessor Scheduling

10. Multiprocessor and Real-Time Scheduling

11. I/O Management and Disk Scheduling

12. File Management

13. Distributed Processing, Client/Server, and Clusters

14. Distributed Process Management

15. Computer Security

Appendix 15A Encryption

How to Do Everything with Windows XP Home Networking

How to Do Everything with Windows XP Home Networking (How to Do Everything)
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (October 27, 2004) |376 pages| PDF | 15 Mb
Network the computers and peripheral devices in your home or small office easily with help from this hands-on guide. How to Do Everything with Windows XP Home Networking explains, step-by-step, how to select the best components for your needs, set up a wired or wireless network, share an Internet connection, printer, and other resources, secure your network, and fight spam, viruses, and other potential threats. Get the book that makes it easy to design your own home network.

-Plan your network and determine the hardware and software requirements
-Install and configure a wired or wireless network
-Connect your network to the Internet
-Secure your network and prevent hacking, identity theft, and other attacks
-Share printers, drives, files, and other resources
-Set up an effective anti-virus solution
-Combat annoying spam, spyware, adware, and phishing scams
-Chat and send instant messages safely
-Purchase items online securely

About the authors: Dave Field is a systems engineer who manages all information systems at Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN. He is the author of several computer books, including MCSA Managing a Windows 2000 Network Environment Instructor’s Manual from McGraw-Hill/Osborne. Andrew Brandt is an editor for PC World magazine where he writes the Privacy Watch column as well as various articles on networking, security, and gaming.

posts Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Windows Vista For Dummies

Part I: Windows Vista Stuff Everybody Thinks You Already Know.
Chapter 1: What Is Windows Vista?
Chapter 2: The Desktop, Start Menu, and Other Windows Vista Mysteries.
Chapter 3: Basic Windows Mechanics.
Chapter 4: Flipping Through Files, Folders, Floppies, and CDs.
Part II: Working with Programs and Files.
Chapter 5: Playing with Programs and Documents.
Chapter 6: Briefly Lost, but Quickly Found.
Chapter 7: Printing Your Work.
Part III: Getting Things Done on the Internet.
Chapter 8: Cruising the Web.
Chapter 9: Sending and Receiving E-mail.
Chapter 10: Safe Computing.
Part IV: Customizing and Upgrading Windows Vista.
Chapter 11: Customizing Windows Vista with the Control Panel.
Chapter 12: Keeping Windows from Breaking.
Chapter 13: Sharing One Computer with Several People.
Chapter 14: Connecting Two or More Computers with a Network.
Part V: Music, Movies, Memories (and Photos, Too).
Chapter 15: Playing and Copying Music in Media Player.
Chapter 16: Fiddling with Photos and Movies.
Part VI: Help!
Chapter 17: The Case of the Broken Window.
Chapter 18: Strange Messages: What You Did Does Not Compute.
Chapter 19: Moving from an Old Computer to a New One.
Chapter 20: Help on the Windows Vista Help System.
Part VII: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 21: Ten or So Things You’ll Hate about Windows Vista (and How to Fix Them).
Chapter 22: Ten or So Tips for Laptop Owners.