Sunday, April 11, 2010

Football for the Utterly Confused

Tom Flores, Bob O'Connor - Football for the Utterly Confused.
McGraw-Hill | 209 pages | File type: PDF | 2.33 mb

There are the games that flow, like hockey and soccer. There are games that stop periodically so that new tactics can be instituted. Basketball could fit in
either category, since time-outs give the coach a few seconds to change offensive or defensive tactics. Boxing stops every three minutes so the athlete can
rest and the manager can suggest changes in how to attack.
Then there are games that stop often, allowing the athlete, the players, or the coach to make changes in tactics depending on the score or the game situation. Golf stops after every shot and a new situation has arrived, so the golfer must make several decisions before making the next shot. How far is the hole? Is the wind a factor? Is the ball lying on the fairway with short grass? Which club does the shot require? Should a longer club be used but hit more easily for better control? A chess player will also have some time to consider the next move��and several possible moves in advance. Then there��s football.

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