In der 12. Auflage des bew?hrten Lehrbuchs ist ein Quantensprung gelungen. Erstmalig enth?lt der Tietze/Schenk f��nf neue Kapitel ��ber Schaltungen der Nachrichtentechnik, in denen die Grundlagen der Modulationsverfahren, der Aufbau von Sendern und Empf?ngern und deren Komponenten praxisnah behandelt werden. Damit wurde die Bandbreite des Tietze/Schenk in den Gigahertzbereich erweitert.
Summary: Tietze, Schenk: Halbleiter Schaltungstechnik
Rating: 5
This is the standart work of analog and digital circuit design in Germany. It covers basically everything one can think of in the field of circuit design. For sure it's a good idea having it in your bookshelf given that you are a electrical engineer or similar.
There is a newer version of the book from 1999 (11. Auflage). Basically the new book turns more to digital design. For persons from Germany: the price in a german bookshop is usually 149DM which is a bit more than the price of amazon (depends on the change rates).
It is no bad idea to get one of the older versions, though. This is due to the analog circuit design which is described in more details in the older versions.
People that prefer an english book might want to try quot;The art of electronicsquot;.

Summary: Tietze, Schenk: Halbleiter Schaltungstechnik
Rating: 5
This is the standart work of analog and digital circuit design in Germany. It covers basically everything one can think of in the field of circuit design. For sure it's a good idea having it in your bookshelf given that you are a electrical engineer or similar.
There is a newer version of the book from 1999 (11. Auflage). Basically the new book turns more to digital design. For persons from Germany: the price in a german bookshop is usually 149DM which is a bit more than the price of amazon (depends on the change rates).
It is no bad idea to get one of the older versions, though. This is due to the analog circuit design which is described in more details in the older versions.
People that prefer an english book might want to try quot;The art of electronicsquot;.
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